
March 16, 2023

Making work about humans, not just products

#032 - How safe do you feel failing, learning and growing in your organisation? In this episode, I had a chat with my good friends Sinem Erdemli and Callum Goodwilliam who’re also the co-founders of Random Animal, a social im...
March 2, 2023

Using the future to design the present with Lena Tünkers

#031 - The future can seem like a figment of our imagination and devoid of reality. Our mind naturally creates multiple scenarios of how the future might unfold but we either ignore them or get worried about them. In this epi...
Feb. 16, 2023

Skip the small talk with Jan Keck

#030 - Do you leave a networking event or a conference with a stack of business cards but not much connection? That’s because most of our conversations are limited to small talk and stay on the surface. In this episode, exper...
Feb. 2, 2023

Creativity, mindfulness and the impact of AI with Radim Malinic

Designer, creative director, and best selling author, Radim Malinic, talks about how you can explore your own creativity and use mindfulness to tame the beast that creativity can be. We also talk about the impact of AI on creativity and how you can use it to be more creative.
Guest: Radim Malinic
Jan. 19, 2023

End of year reflections and being aware of the self and the system you're part of with Andi Mignolo

Designer, executive coach and the President of the Interaction Design Association, Andrea Mignolo kicks of Season 3 with her insights and advice on being aware of the self as a designer and also the the larger system you’re part of.
Jan. 8, 2023

Best of Season 2: Recap and learnings

In this final episode of Season 2, Nirish recaps his top highlights and learnings from the 12 episodes of the season. Share your ideas and suggestions with Nirish at nirish@designfeeling.co Shownotes Tim Yeo, the Quiet Achiev...
Dec. 22, 2022

Candid end of year reflections with three design leaders

Three design leaders reflect candidly on the year 2022 and share their biggest challenges, learnings and advice for designers
Dec. 8, 2022

Looking for your first UX job as an immigrant with Dorsa Mokhtari

Iranian-born architect and recent UX design graduate shares her experience of moving from Iran to the UK, studying UX at General Assembly and looking for her first UX job. Nirish answers her mentoring questions too.
Nov. 24, 2022

Laid off? Look inside before you look outside - Kate Pincott

Design leader and coach Kate Pincott shares practical steps to heal and grow after a layoff
Nov. 10, 2022

Creative confidence with the 12-minute method with Robbie Swale

Leadership coach, author and podcaster, Robbie Swale shares his 12-minute method to get started with content creation and growing your creative confidence using experiments
Guest: Robbie Swale
Oct. 28, 2022

Getting cozy, juicy and real with your colleagues - Sophia and Jed Lazar

Board game designers, group facilitators and founders of Cozy Juicy Real, Sophia and Jed Lazar share their journey of co-creating Cozy Juicy Real with their users and their biggest learnings and tips on building meaningful connections with people.
Oct. 13, 2022

From Human-Centred Design to Life-Centred Design with Dr. Martin Tomitsch

Professor of Interaction Design at the University of Sydney and author of “Design Think Make Break Repeat”, Dr. Martin Tomitsch, talks about the perils of human-centricity and makes a case for more sustainable way of building products and services through life-centred design.
Sept. 29, 2022

Designing is Not Your Superpower - Joe Leech

Advisor and coach to CEOs and recovering neuroscientist and UXer, Joe Leech, gives a pep talk for designers who’re feeling bored or trapped and encourages them to question what they’re doing and why.
Sept. 15, 2022

Neurodiversity is great for design and for business with Matthew Bellringer

Creative innovation consultant, neurodiversity advocate and social entrepreneur, Matthew Bellringer, shares his personal story of being diagnosed with ADHD and autism only recently and his mission to help organisations embrace neurodiversity as part of their design and innovation processes.
Sept. 1, 2022

Doing amazing work is just half the job - Trenton Moss

#018 - As designers and problem solvers, we pride ourselves on our craft and hard skills. But those will only take you halfway. Beyond that, you’ll need people skills to really be an impactful designer. In this episode, I spe...
Aug. 18, 2022

Solve problems that matter with Ben Pecotich

#017 - Design can change the world but many of us designers work in jobs we hate, solving problems we don’t care about. In this episode, I speak with Ben Pecotich on solving problems that matter without compromising your own ...
Aug. 5, 2022

Building a mental health app with Courtney Carlsson

#016 Councillors, therapy, meditation - Courtney Carlsson tried them all but what she needed was a structure to ask herself deliberate questions consistently to learn more about herself. Courtney is a CEO and Founder of the m...
July 21, 2022

Design leadership for introverts with Tim Yeo

Design Director of IBM Consulting, Founder of the Quiet Achiever and proud introvert, Tim Yeo, shares his personal journey of being an introverted designer and design leader and how he’s now helping other introverts have better impact and influence without pretending to be extroverts.
Guest: Tim Yeo
July 7, 2022

End of Season 1 Recap: Learnings and Reflections

Host of the Design Feeling Podcast, Nirish Shakya, recaps the 12 guest interviews in Season 1 and shares his top learnings and reflections. He also gives a sneak peek of Season 2.
May 26, 2022

Running your own race, understanding your business model and making smart guesses with Hattie Willis

Hattie Willis, founder of the entrepreneurship education company, Guessworks, shares her biggest learnings from the world of venture building and corporate innovation
Guest: Hattie Willis
May 12, 2022

Using marketing as a self-growth tool with Frances Khalastchi

Frances Khalastchi, co-founder of Better Bolder Braver, a marketing community for coaches, talks about using marketing as a tool for self-growth and addressing perfectionism by working out loud and being part of communities as safe spaces to try, fail and learn.
April 28, 2022

How to sharpen your intuition as a designer using tarot with Dr. Adeola Enigbokan

Designer, environmental psychologist and tarot practitioner, Dr. Adeola Enigbokan, takes us on a mystical tour of the world of tarot and shares her insights on how it can help designers sharpen their intuition to make better decisions and do more meaningful work.
April 14, 2022

Conscious Experience Design with James Breeze

James Breeze, Chief Experience Officer, at Objective Experience, shares his ongoing work on a framework and a set of competencies which he calls Conscious Experience Design - values and behaviours that designers can use to improve their lives and the lives of their users and the planet.
Guest: James Breeze
March 31, 2022

Self-care for user researchers with Jane Reid and Janice Hannaway

User researchers Jane Reid and Janice Hannaway put the spotlight on the vicarious trauma faced by user researchers working in complex areas such as homelessness, drug abuse and domestic violence and the importance of self-care for user researchers.